Health/Mental Health and Addiction:
This is the listing of Health and Mental Health and Addiction services in Durham Region. If you know of any additional services not listed below, please contact us with the information. Check back in on a regular basis for new information. Different organizations may need to follow specific criteria for services.
Mental Health and Addiction Services-
DURHAM ONTARIO HEALTH TEAM: The Durham Ontario Health Team (OHT) is a collaborative group of organizations and patient, family and care partner advisors working in partnership to improve access and delivery of coordinated health services. The group is comprised of partners from across the care continuum, including primary care providers, hospitals, mental health and addiction services, social support services, home and community care support services and long-term care.
Download Urgent Care Options Handbook here
NATIONAL SUICIDE HELPLINE- 988: You deserve to be heard. We’re here to listen. To speak to someone, call or text: 988 24/7, every day of the year . While the focus of 9-8-8 is on suicide prevention, no one who reaches out to the service will be turned away. Support in English and in French
DISTRESS CENTRE DURHAM: Distress Centre Durham helps people in distress to cope, by providing emotional support, crisis/suicide management and community education. You’re not alone in this fight. We are here for you. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Call us if you need to talk it out.
To speak to someone, call: 905 430 2522 or 1 800 452 0688.
COMMUNITY CARE DURHAM (CCD): Mental Health Supports COPE is a community mental health service offering emotional support to adults aged 16 and older, with emotional and/or mental health concerns.
Crisis Services: Telephone crisis support is available toll free, 24 hours per day, to support individuals (16+) and/or their supports in crisis, call: our C.A.L.L. (Crisis Access Linkage Line) at 905-666-0483 or toll-free at 1-800-742-1890.Please remember to leave a message with a call back number if leaving a voicemail for the team to be able to connect back as soon as possible.
Mobile Crisis: The DMHS mental health mobile crisis team is available for face-to-face crisis support for anyone aged 16+ in their preferred environment and/or their supports. Follow up crisis support, community linkages and referrals are also available. To schedule a visit with our mobile crisis team, please call our Crisis Access and Linkage Line (C.A.L.L) on the day you are hoping to meet with the team. Calling in the morning provides the most open availability as visits are scheduled on a first come basis. Mobile Crisis Visits can be requested between Monday-Friday from 7am-11pm. Call 905 666 0483 or 1 800 742 1890. Please remember to leave a message with a call back number if leaving a voicemail for the team to be able to connect back as soon as possible.
Peer Support Program: DMHS has peer groups where Peer Support Specialists (mental health workers with lived experience) run a multitude of groups, both virtual and in person, across Durham Region including Port Perry. This includes day programs, drop-in skills groups, social groups, psychoeducational groups, wellness recovery action plan, and more. For existing DMHS peer clients, reach out to the peer team directly for group registration dmhspeer@lh.ca. New clients can contact Central Connect at 905-440-7534 (toll-free at 1-833-392-7363, or email CentralConnectMHA@lh.ca.
Family Support Program: Offers services to the family caregivers of adults with mental health concerns with the goal to reduce stress by providing meaningful help to supporters.
- Family Education Nights
- Individual Support Meetings
- Family Peer Support Groups
- Family Empowerment Workshops
- Suicide Survivors Groups
Referrals to Central Connect can be made to CentralConnectMHA@lh.ca.
Crisis Beds: DMHS offers short-term (3-5 day) stays in our Crisis Beds Programs in Ajax and Oshawa. These are available for individuals who are experiencing a crisis and need individualized support in a safe, supportive setting away from their present situation. Accessing a crisis bed is available on a first come basis by calling 905 666 0483 or 1 800 742 1890 on the day you are looking to access. Calling after 11am daily provides you with the most up to date bed availability.
Primary Care Consult Service (Referral through Primary Care Provider Required): Family Physicians and Nurse Practitioners can schedule an appointment with an Ontario Shores’ psychiatrist for telephone advice.
Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program: Adults with depression and anxiety-related conditions can access publicly funded, evidence-based, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and related approaches to help manage their conditions.
Prompt Care Clinic (Referrals are accepted from, family physicians, walk-in clinic physicians, psychiatrists and nurse practitioners): The Prompt Care Clinic at Ontario Shores provides care for individuals who require timely access to psychiatric services, but do not require an emergency department visit. A psychiatrist and/or nurse practitioner provides a clinical assessment for the purpose of providing diagnostic, and treatment recommendations that is sent back to the referral source.
BounceBack is a free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered online or over the phone with a coach, you will get access to tools that will support you on your path to mental wellness.
CONNEX ONTARIO: ConnexOntario provides free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness or gambling by connecting them with services in their area. Funded by the Government of Ontario
System Navigation and Information Service
Provide information about counselling services and supports in your community
Listen, offer support and provide strategies to help you meet your goals
Provide basic education about mental health, drug, alcohol, and problem gambling treatment services
For more information, visit: Mental Health & Addiction Services | Connex Ontario
MINDBEACON DIGITAL THERAPY SERVICES AND ONLINE MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORTS: Virtual mental health therapy clinic that provides guided CBT programs, live sessions and in-person sessions and assessments with licensed professionals.
URGENT CARE DURHAM: An online and in-person Durham wide physician group providing mental health supports.
RAPID ACCESS TO ADDICTION MEDICINE (RAAM): RAAM clinics offer fast access to quality care for people living with alcohol and opioid-related addictions. Services included medical treatment and counselling services without a doctor’s referral.
DURHAM COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE (DCHC) INTEGRATED CLINICAL & WELLNESS CARE SERVICES (Self-Referral): Durham Community Health Centre (DCHC)’s counselling team offers brief counselling services (6-12 sessions) to individuals, families and couples, and evidence-based psychotherapy groups. We help our clients with a range of challenges, from day-to-day problems to mild to moderate mental health concerns. You do not need a doctor’s referral to access our counselling services.
To access counselling services, please call 1-877-227-3217.
CATHOLIC FAMILY SERVICES SINGLE SESSION INTAKE PROCESS (Self-Referral): The agency’s intake process includes a screening and single session of therapy usually within a week of reaching out. Clients are screened for appropriateness for the service and are then booked for a single session of therapy (in person or virtual). Clients for whom it is clinically indicated are placed on the waiting list for ongoing psychotherapy. Any client can return to receive another booked single session every four weeks, or until their name comes up on the wait list.
If you are not able to book your screening online, please speak to the Client Care Navigator at 905-725-3513 ext. 110, and she will complete your booking with you.
FRONTENAC YOUTH SERVICES QUICK ACCESS CLINIC (Self-Referral): Offering Single Session Counselling to Adolescents 12-18 Years Old and/or Caregivers (Family Accompaniment Welcomed).
If a referral has been completed through the Central Intake phone line, and our intake coordinator has invited you to our Quick Access Clinic, we are currently offering phone and virtual sessions. In-person support will be available on an appointment basis. Please contact (905) 579-1551 ext. 234. *MUST HAVE COMPLETED INTAKE* at Central Intake Services 1-888-454-6275.
CHIMO YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES (Self-Referral): An accredited children’s mental health agency that is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. They are a voluntary program that provides a variety of services to meet the needs of children, youth and their families in the community.
Clients can speak with a crisis worker anytime the need arises. Toll-free number 1-855-310-COPE (2673) or (TTY) 1-866-323-7785.
“ONE STOP” TALK (Self-Referral): Operating virtually, serving individuals up to 18 years of age who live in the GTA. Free virtual mental health counselling. To connect directly with a counsellor through online video, and voice, go to onestoptalk.ca, or call 1-855-416-8255. One Stop Talk operates Monday to Friday from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturdays from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m (last session at 3pm).
“WHAT’S UP” WALK-IN (Self-Referral): Designed to support the mental health needs of Toronto’s infants, children, youth and young adults up to their 29th birthday*. Parents, families and caregivers may access service along with their child.
Therapists offer walk-in, single, solution focused sessions. The clinics help with issues such as depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicidal ideation, sexual identity matters, bullying, behavioural concerns, addictions, and anything else that might be on one’s mind.
Addiction Support Line: Provides a variety of services to help people with alcohol, drug, concurrent mental health and gambling related concerns. To speak to someone 7 days/week, 9am – 5:00 pm, call 905-721-4747 or 1-888-881-8878
Extension: 31208. Please remember to leave a message with a call back number if leaving a voicemail for the team to be able to connect back as soon as possible -
Addiction Support Services (PASS): PASS counsellors provide information, referrals and short-term support to those concerned with or affected by substance use and/or gambling issues. PASS provides an immediate connection and can help keep clients engaged while waiting for case management. We recognize the importance in keeping with a Harm Reduction Model and support individual goals of reducing use of substances or abstinence.
HEALTHY LIVING CANADA: Health information including food and nutrition, aging and seniors, dental and oral health, healthy living, Indigenous health, Mental health, being active, smoking and tobacco, pregnancy, health and the environment, sexual health, injury prevention, blood, organ and tissue donation.
SALVATION ARMY: Contact the office for more information. Denise Handy – 905-723-7422 x224 or densie.handy@salvationarmy.ca
TOGETHERALL: An anonymous community where members can support each other; access 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Trained practitioners are available 24/7 to keep the community safe.
Mental Health Day Program (Referrals required): Launch of Social Activation Group SAG is a Recreational Therapy group for individuals between 18-25 years old who want to improve their confidence in social environments and have positive interactions with their peers. Exclusionary criteria may apply; Central Connect intake workers can assess whether a referral would be appropriate. If you know of someone who is interested in registering, please have them contact Central Connect at 905-440-7534 (toll-free at 1-833-392-7363), or email CentralConnectMHA@lh.ca. Please add a note that you are referring specifically to SAG.