1) Housing first in Finland (The Y foundation)
On the European scale, homelessness is not a major issue in Finland, but this does not reduce the seriousness of the situation. 

2) Coalition for the Homeless
Since modern homelessness began more than thirty years ago, research and experience have overwhelmingly shown that investments in permanent housing are extraordinarily effective in reducing homelessness — as well as being cost-effective.

3) Designing Innovative Solutions for Homelessness
How do we create Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) for the homeless quickly and inexpensively?

4) Innovative ideas to build homes to end the homeless crisis:
The Rapid Shelter Innovation Showcase is a clearinghouse for smart ideas on how to lower construction times for cities in need of new housing for people living on the street or after a disaster.  

5) Adelaide Zero Project

Project Description: This is an ongoing project that seeks to end street homelessness and increase available housing in Adelaide. The goal is to achieve and sustain functional zero homelessness.

6) Ending Veteran Homelessness Initiative

 Project Description: This is a city-wide initiative was designed to address systemic barriers in Chicago that prevented homeless veterans from getting housed in an efficient manner.

7) Indianapolis Community Plan to End Homelessness

Project Description: This is a five-year plan (2018-2023) focused on ending homelessness through long term solutions and systemic reform. The ultimate goal is creating a system where individuals facing homelessness will spend no more than 30 days without a permanent, safe, affordable place to live.

8) Journey to Social Inclusion

Project Description: This program focuses on permanent housing solutions for chronically homeless individuals. They successfully utilize intensive case management to support those who have been stuck in the cycle of systemic homelessness.

9) Reuben Engagement Center

Project Description: Reuben Engagement Center is a community detox facility that offers temporary shelter to homeless individuals, as well as long term recovery resources and support.

10) Exit Homelessness

Project Description: Exit Homelessness is a 2018 pilot program designed to guide individuals through practical steps towards housing. It is predominately geared towards individuals residing in the Sleeping Centre, and focuses on the necessary basics: clean clothes, grooming, skills training, and job application support.

11) Barnardo’s Supported Lodgings

Project Description: Barnardo’s Supported Lodgings program works to find homeless young people a room of their own within a vetted private household.

12) Community Supported Shelters: Conestoga Huts

Project Description: Community Supported Shelters designed Conestoga Huts, a stronger and more permanent form of tent, for their homeless community members and got legislative backing from the city to ensure legal usage in public space. 

13) Threshold Housing First

Project Description: This is a specialized Housing First program that targets the unique needs of homeless women with a history of offending. The service has continued in the Greater Manchester Area after the completion of a two-year pilot program from 2015 -2017.

14) Nightstop – emergency accommodation for young people

Project Description: Nightstop tackles youth homelessness by providing emergency overnight accommodation for young people who are facing a night on the streets or sleeping in an unsafe place. Volunteer hosts, who are ordinary members of the community, open their homes to young people.